Weekly Greetings!
This coming week will only be two days due to the hunting days allowed this year, but we did have a very full schedule last week! Not only did the students start PE with the itinerant teacher from Tok, but we did many fun activities in and out of the classroom. As we continued to work on class unity, there were more "All About Me!" bags brought in to share, and each age group made a puzzle to display how they are a special part of our class group. The puzzles are displayed on the outside of our classroom door. The Kindergarten kids made a "K", the first grade had a number 1, and the second grade had a number 2 to represent their grade level.
In Science, we have been doing a short unit on our "5 Senses", as that is how each one of us experiences the world around us. The students did two special projects during the week. One was a "5 Senses" puppet, and then on another day they used all their senses when we made a popcorn glove.
On Friday, the class took a field trip to Tok to see the district greenhouse there. The trip was to conclude our healthy habits unit and introduce the need to harvest foods during the fall in preparations for winter. Rita Abel, and Bonnie the horticulturalist for the district, gave us a wonderful tour of all the fresh vegetables being grown through this project. The student got to help harvest and sample some of the fresh foods right of the plants.
I think the children really learned a lot and enjoyed their experience there. A big thank you to Butch Dillard and Betty Jane Bryant for helping to chaperone!
When we were done at the greenhouse, the group got some recess time on the Tok School playground before we went to lunch at Fast Eddy's. They really had a great time on every piece of equipment there.
By the time we got to lunch, it was getting later than we had planned and unfortunately in my hurrying, the one picture of the class I took having pizza was blurry...I will say though, that the group got a complement for being well behaved from the servers attending us there. For such a large group, I am really proud of how well they did on the trip! We were pretty rushed to catch the bus when returning to Northway, so on Thursday this week when we return to school, I will spend some time going over all that the class learned on our outing.
Also on Thursday, the PE and Music teacher will be at school for their special activities with the students. The councilor had to reschedule for September 24th due to a personal matter. On Friday, we will look at the fall changes and preparations for winter during this season, and we will take a short walk around the school area to gather colorful leaves for an Art project.
There will not be any homework this week, as it would be just one day. Look for the nightly homework to start again on Monday, September 22. In addition, that afternoon from 4pm to 6pm there will be an open house at the school.
Please come in to visit and see all the wonderful work the students have
done that is exhibited in our room. In closing, the book orders are due by Tuedsday,
September 23
Kind Regards,
Julie Brown