Saturday, April 23, 2016

Week 36

Weekly Greetings!

Our field trip last Wednesday was a big success. The students all really enjoyed experiencing what it is like to fly in a small airplane. Everyone asked if they could go again, but the people at 40-Mile Air were kind enough to take time from their busy day, to give all the students a short flight around Tok already. A couple of the students were so excited after getting off the plane, and said they want to join the military to become fighter pilots. It will be interesting to see if they hold onto that idea, as they grow older. Here are just a few pictures from the day....

One of the planes used to fly the students. There were two planes and pilots that took the class up in small groups.
 One of the first groups to go take off...
 Another group was loaded at the same time.
 While each group was in the air, those on the ground got to watch Randy Rallo fly a small remote control helicopter. It was too fast for me to get a picture.

 The second loads had their time in the air, and everyone came off the planes with big smiles.
We took a group picture before heading off to the Tok School for a recess break, and then on to Fast Eddy's for pizza. It was a full and fun day.
Please note that I will be out Monday, April 25 and four days next week as my husband had medical needs and will have surgery. Also, there is no school this Friday due to teacher in-services.

Have a great week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Week 35

 Weekly Greetings,

Important news for this week is that we will be taking a field trip to Tok on Wednesday. That is also the day that we start school 1 hour later, so we will leave when the class is done with breakfast. To tie into the careers focus started Mrs. Lundy, we will be going to 40-Mile Air to hear about what a career as a pilot is like. The students will also get to go for a short flight if they have the approval box filed in by a parent on the permission slip. Please make sure your child is on time for school that day. Also, please return any book orders to me by Friday if you would like to buy books for your child.

The students have really been excited about the butterflies in our Science unit. Not only have they been able to observe the stages of change, but also the specific parts of the Painted Lady butterflies.

On Wednesday, Ranger Stephen Rudolph from the Tetlin Refuge was at school to give Duck Stamp awards and prizes to those in our class that participated. Quinten, DeMarcus, Noah, and Evan received honorable mentions. Jasmine, Kayann, and Terrence received 3rd places ribbons, and Brandi won a 2nd place ribbon. The pictures to follow are of the class with their certificates and displaying their artwork.
 Ranger Rudolph also shared with the class about different animal tracks and what the tracks can tell us.
 He also brought some of the furs that go with the animals he discussed.
 The school wide reward program has been a big success this year. Many of the students in our class have been saving for some of the big items in the store. Terrence just saved enough for a new bike! Just in time for summer fun!
 In art this week, the class made colorful butterflies for spring decorations. The wings allow light to shine through the colored tissue paper, and the lovely butterflies are displayed in the class windows.
There will be more interesting things to share next week from our field trip. Enjoy your week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week 34

 Weekly Greetings,

Last week in Science, the class took a close look at the butterfly chrysalises and on Friday, one had  opened to show us an awaited Painted Lady Butterfly! On Monday, the students will observe the butterflies and learn how to care for them. We will also have another visit from Ranger Rudolph from the Tetlin Refuge on Wednesday to examine animal tracks and the stories behind them.
Last Friday during the councilor visit, the class got to hear about the educational and career choices made by Joni Young, the local TCC Health Center Director. She read them a story titled I Know I Can to encourage them to think about career choices they may want to make in the future.
 They all got a copy of the book that also had activities in the back to do.
Please remember to send in any book order forms to me if you would like to buy book for your child.

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 33

Weekly Greetings!

Last week in Science the class continued to observe the changes taking place in the caterpillars we received with the Butterfly Cycles unit. In just one week, they had more than double in size and then created a chrysalis about mid-week. We are now waiting and watching for the butterflies to emerge. 
The class also got to help celebrate another birthday on Monday. A number of students have summer birthdays, so we will have a celebration for them before school gets out.
On Wednesday, we had a special guest from the Tetlin Refuge. Ranger Stephen Rudolph led the class through understanding relationships with the land and animals using art. The students drew some lovely relationship webs with his guidance.
The afternoon recess continues to be spent outside. We just can't pass up the warm and sunny days of spring!
During the last half hour of the day, students that have completed all the day's assignments enjoy some free time and creative play.
This week we will continue learning about the stages of a butterfly in Science, in addition to the regular Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies concepts required by the district and state.

Have a great week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown