Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week 37

 Weekly Greetings!

Our school year is rapidly coming to a close with just four weeks left! Last week, the highlight was the food presentation title "The Power of Food". The doctor and his assistant did a wonderful job exciting the students about eating healthy and colorful vegetable dishes.
The students were fascinated by how fast the doctor could cut up the vegetables!
 They even got turns at stirring and mixing some of the food.
Everyone got to sample some of the great tasting and healthy food, in addition to photos with the special guests. The Pre-school students also got to join in the presentation.
This week there will be more special events. The Dancing with the Spirit music group will be back to teach the students guitar and fiddle music and there will be a performance on Friday at 1:00pm, so please try to make it.  Also Rita Abel from UAF in Tok, will be in on Thursday to plant seeds with the class. I will not be able to post pictures of these activities next week, as I will be out of school from Tuesday through Friday. My husband needs to have a substantial surgery, so I will be with him in Fairbanks.

Have a wonderful week!

Kind Regards,


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