Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 26

Weekly Greetings!
Our four days were full of fun activities last week. Monday was our 100th day of school, so the day was busy with things to do around the number 100. To start the day off, all the students in attendance were crowned for the occasion. We did a few other activities, before searching for 100 chocolate Hershey Kisses hidden in the room.
 It took a bit of effort, but every one of the Kisses were found and placed on the 100 number chart. We then weighed them and some other bags of 100 treats. The Kisses ended up being heavier than all the items except 100 gummy worms.
Another activity began with dividing students into teams to sort objects into 10 groups of 10 to make 100. 
Then they placed the objects end to end to see which group of 100 was the longest. We used yardsticks to see how many feet and inches each line of objects were.
After recess and a special snack using a variety 100 goodies put together for a trail mix, the students worked on two 100-piece puzzles.
Just before lunch, we played a game called "Mix Up the Animals" using the animal masks all the students had made. Attributes of different animals were called out, and if their animal had that attribute they had to move. Everyone had to move if "mix up the animals" was called out. We were trying for 100 moves, but ran short of time.
These are just a few highlights from a full day of special activities to celebrate all the learning that has taken place so far for 100 days of school. 

Additional things from the week were our usual two days of PE with the itinerant PE teacher on Tuesday and Thursday. The students have really taken off with learning Soccer. Also, on Wednesday we made it outside again to use the snowshoes. It had warmed up some, but there were still a few students that got cold mostly from wearing lightweight gloves.  If it stays above -10 below this week, we will go out again on Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their cold weather gear, or they have to stay inside.

Thursday, before we had our afternoon party the students were given a bag of candy hearts to sort into colors and graph. We discovered that there are fewer white and a greater number of purple hearts in the variety packs.
 Thank you so much for all the great treats that were sent in for the party! There was so much, we sent bags of food home after even sharing with the high school students!

We will be having a normal five-day schedule this week, but there will be an award assembly this Friday at 1:15pm to recognize student achievement for the 2nd quarter. I hope to see many of you then!

Have warm and safe week!

Kind Regards,
Julie Brown

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