Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Week 4

Weekly Greetings!

With two short weeks, last week and this week, this month will be over before we know it! The students continue to be eager to learn, and over the last few weeks we have been focusing on how each one of them are special. On Thursday, they found items out of magazines to make an "I like..." page to share what they liked and why to continue the classroom bonding we have been doing since starting school. Many of the older students are really getting good at speaking and expressing themselves clearly.
In Science this week, we will be starting a new unit on soils and will be observing changes in composted soils when live worms are in the mix. In addition, we have completed the "Smart Start" review units for each grade and will be moving into new themes in Language Arts and reading. The 1st and 2nd grades will also be bringing home spelling words weekly now. Please read the additional information sent home with your child's homework that explains each theme. There will only be two nights of homework again this week due to the shortened week for hunting days. Students reading at home will be able to take another leaf off the "Seasonal Readers" tree for this month if they have read 4 books over the last two weeks. If you have misplaced last week's log, or sent in in already, I have included another one with this week's homework.

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather this week!

Kind Regards,
Julie Brown

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