Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 27

Weekly Greetings!

The weeks are flying by! We are just three full weeks away from the end of the third quarter and Spring Break! Let me share a few highlights from last week that consist of the Instant Challenge the students participated on Tuesday, hands-on Science activities, and Show and Tell on Friday.

The Instant Challenge this month was created by the Baranov Museum in Kodiak. The students were challenged to find details to interpret information from historical photos. This activity helped to develop their visual literacy.
After working in groups to study and write down observations, the students shared with other students from around the state. They found lots of interesting things in the photos, and enjoyed sharing their discoveries with the other classes.
 In Science, the students did experiments to see what happened to baking soda (a solid) when put in water and vinegar. The two liquids had differing effects on the baking soda. First they mixed the solid in water, and found that it just dissolved the baking soda.
 Next, they put the baking soda into the vinegar and watched as it changed into a gas.
Show and Tell is always fun, though only a couple of students remembered to bring something to share...
The class always seems to listen carefully, and have gotten very good at asking questions.
This will be the last week of our Science unit on "Changes". We will also start to put in more time practicing questions for the Battle of the Books that will take place in Tok on March 9th, in addition to our regular math, reading, and writing endeavors.

Have a wonderful week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

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