Saturday, November 7, 2015

Week 12

 Weekly Greetings!

It is already two weeks since the 2nd quarter started, and I have been very pleased with all the academic gains each student has made in the class so far this year!  Everyone seems to enjoy coming to school and are enthusiastic about the concepts presented daily.

Last week Rita Abel was in to do a special activity with the students that blended nicely with our soils Science unit. I have included a few pictures from her presentation and hands on activity using pipe cleaners and beads to symbolize the needs of a plant.
The class also got a close up view of our compost worms and we discussed the worm's anatomy. This will be the last week for our soils unit.
There are a few important events happening this week that I want to remind you about. The first will be on Wednesday, when the community will be honoring veterans with a dinner at the school starting at 4pm. Our class will be saying the pledge. On Friday  there will also be a special event at the Tok School with basketball celebrities. I hope you got the notice sent home last week.

Also in class on Friday, we will be having Show and Tell. Each student can bring something in their "All About Me" bag to share. It has been a while since we could fit this into our schedule with so many other special activities over the last few weeks.

I hope you have a great week!

Kind Regards,
Julie Brown

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