Saturday, January 2, 2016

Week 20

Greetings in the New Year!

I trust you all enjoyed the two-week vacation as much as I did! We will dive back into our regular routine this week, with Show and Tell on Friday. I am assuming all the students will all have lots of exciting new things to share with the class. Also, please continue to make sure your child has all their winter gear daily, as we will go outside for recess in the afternoon when it is warm enough.

The last week before break was packed with hands on activities! I did not get a chance to snap pictures of everything we did, but here are some photos of a few highlights....The students started the week off by making salt and flour dough to create a Santa hand print gift. It took all week to get them dried and painted.
After reading The Gingerbread Boy, the class also made gingerbread cookies.
Another day, we read The Gingerbread Baby and compared the two gingerbread stories. The Gingerbread Baby had a very different ending. In The Gingerbread Baby, the fleeing cookie was caught in a gingerbread house instead of being eaten by a fox. So, we made gingerbread houses out of gram crackers as a memory tag.
In math, we focused on shapes and patterns, using some parka patterns from a curriculum call Math in a Cultural Context. The students also learned about Tangram puzzles and  explored making certain Tangram characters with seven different shape pieces.
The Christmas program on Thursday was a real highlight, and we also found out who the student of the month was before the event started! Congratulations to Terrence Nutting-Titus!
Starting off the singing was the Pre-School. Of course, they were adorable!
Our class followed with a Reindeer poem and two songs. I was so proud of how well they all did!
The third through fifth grades completed the music portion, and then Santa arrived!
There was many people in attendance from the community, and all had a good time!
On Friday, we found out who won the Christmas door-decorating contest. Our door came in second, but all the doors decorated were just as festive and lovely!
I am looking forward to more fun times with the class as we enter into the second half of the school year!

Have a great week!

Kind Regards,
Julie Brown

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