Saturday, December 12, 2015

Week 17

Weekly Greetings!

It felt so good to get back to school on Thursday, even though I had to hobble around with a crutch! They kids were full of hugs, with lots of get well pictures and cards waiting for me. I was so pleased to see how well all the material for each grade was completed in my absence! I cannot thank the aids and staff enough at school for covering the class so wonderfully.

I made it back in time for the NYO activities, and also for two students birthdays on Friday. There were so many goodies brought in to celebrate that we had to send much of it home with the students at the end of the day. I have included a couple pictures of the event to follow.
This is our last week before we have a two-week break for Christmas. We will be using the week to prepare for the holiday, and do some fun enrichment activities. I will also be giving the make-up party after school on Tuesday, for the eight students that earned it by participating weekly in the Seasonal Readers incentive program I started last September.

Other important information for the week are: Wednesday, the students come to school an hour later; Thursday is the Christmas music program at 1:00pm, and early release after; Friday, we will have a Christmas party and Christmas movie. I would appreciate it if the kids could bring a treat to share for the party, and it will begin at 11:15 after the Council from Tok is done with her lesson. There will be an early release that day too, and you should get a notice from the principal later this week about the exact time.

Have a warm and happy Christmas break, and many blessings in the New Year!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

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